Friday, April 5, 2024

Easy and delicious marinade - 3 ingredients

Yesterday, we had baked chicken wings, and that reminded me to do a post about how simple they are to make. I have a variety of ways to prepare chicken, but this one's my family's favourite. And it turns out to be the easiest too, with very few ingredients! 

For this marinade I just use soy sauce, garlic paste and ground ginger. Depending on how salty your soy sauce is, and how salty you like your food you can add some more salt. Sometimes I add chili flakes too. After marinating, let it sit for a few hours at least, but preferably overnight. 

I bake the chicken in a frying pan, turning the wings regularly (like every 15 minutes) on a very low flame. It may take a bit longer, but this way it'll come out more flavourful. Although I haven't tried, I assume this marinade will be nice for other foods too - tofu, mushrooms, etc. 


  1. The indonesians like adding 'ketjap-manis' (sweet soy sauce) to their bbq. Brush it (mix with oil/margerine and lemon juice) lightly from time to time during the process.


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