Saturday, November 13, 2021

Easy no knead cinnamon roll recipe


I started baking my own bread years ago when we first got married. I just love baking bread and it's something I enjoy so much. To me it's very relaxing. I think baking bread is one of the essentials in living a more simple and frugal life. 

And I don't know about you, but I love cinnamon rolls. I, however, always found it such a hassle to start very early so we could enjoy this at breakfast time. I tried a fridge rise several times, so I could prep the rolls the night before. While it was worth trying, it wasn't our preference, as it changed the taste a bit. 

So, that was my struggle with cinnamon rolls 🙃 That is, until I discovered the 'miracle bread' recipe by Gina from Home Joys! ( the original recipe is for a regular loaf, I really wanted to try if this works for cinnamon rolls. And it really does! We now actually prefer these rolls over the kneaded and more richer rolls I used to make. Literally everyone who tasted these rolls have asked a recipe. 

This dough still has to rise, so it isn't necessarily a very very quick bread recipe (although I do have a quick bread cinnamon rolls recipe-- please check my blog as I'll try to post that recipe soon!). But, you'll save a bit time as you skip the kneading part (maybe it's just inside my head as for the time consuming part! But I've found that with this recipe, our family enjoys a warm cinnamon roll more often than before I discovered this recipe). 

Anyway, this is how I make them. 

For the dough:

6 cups of white flour (750 grams) 

1,5 cups of water (375 milliliter) 

2 tablespoons dry yeast 

2 tablespoons of sugar 

2 tablespoons of salt 

3 tablespoons of oil 

For the cinnamon filling: 

2 tablespoons of cinnamon 

1/2 cup to 2/3 cup of sugar (100 to 132 grams)

2/3 cup of butter or margarine 

For the icing: 

Powdered sugar and water

Warm the water until very warm, not hot. Mix the flour, sugar, salt and yeast. Add the oil and water. If dough is too sticky add some more flour; if dough is too dry add some water. Mix the dough until it's an uniform dough but don't knead it. Grease a bowl with some oil, cover and let it rest 30 to 90 minutes (depending on the house's inside temperature). Meanwhile prepare the cinnamon filling by mixing the sugar and cinnamon. Then in a bigger bowl, cream the butter and slowly add the sugar mixture, one tablespoon at a time to make mixing easier. 

Once the filling is ready and the dough has risen, take it out, press the air out and put it on a slightly oiled surface. Take your rolling pin and roll the dough out in the desired measure. (I'm sorry, I'm very bad at measurements, especially in inches!). Devide the cinnamon filling over the dough, make sure that the edges aren't covered by the cinnamon filling. 

Now carefully roll the dough and cut the dough in 12-13 even pieces. Grease a baking pan (you can either use a round or square pan) and put the rolls in the pan. Cover the rolls and preheat your oven at 200° C/329°F. Once the rolls have doubled in size put them in the oven and bake for half an hour. 

We prefer the rolls without icing, but if you'd like you can easily make an icing using powdered sugar and a few drops of water. 


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