Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Oat milk recipe

While I'm not a vegan (not even a vegetarian), I know that eating a more plant based diet has so many benefits- for your health and environment, among other things. Non dairy milk aren't available where I live though, but fortunately it's  very easy to make your own! 
While nut milk are quite expensive to make, this oat milk is even cheaper than cow's milk, even though oats are quite expensive round these parts. 

This is what you'll need: 

1 cup of oats (80 grams)
3 cups of water (750 milliliter) 
Some sweetener of your choice (optional) 

In a large water jug, put the oats and the water. Let is sit for at least three hours, but preferably overnight. 
Then when it has sit long enough, add your sweetener of choice, then blend it thoroughly. Pour it through a sieve, I use a mesh sieve for this. If you only have regular sieve, you could use a cheese cloth as well. 
Don't throw away the remaining oats! You can use it in many ways, like waffles, cookies, muffins etc. I've even added them to homemade pesto :) 

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