Sunday, May 28, 2023

Easy hummus recipe

Making hummus from scratch is beyond easy. It's a staple at our house and is ready in a few minutes! The hardest thing I always find is to wash up the food processor. 

All you need is chickpeas, aquafaba (chickpea brine), lemon juice, olive oil, tahini (sesame paste), and some salt/seasoning. I don't usually use measurements but I fill up the smaller bowl of the food processor untill it's almost full. I'd guess it's about three cups of chickpeas, and make sure they're a bit warm as this will ease the blending process. Then I use about a cup of aquafaba, also lukewarm, it can be a bit less if you like your hummus firmer (we like it a bit more on the runny side, as we scoop it out with bread), a generous drizzle of olive oil, half a cup of tahini*, some ground black pepper, ground cumin, and salt. Finally squeeze out half a lemon on top of all this. Just blend until it's smooth and that's it! Serve on a plate with additional olive oil, sprinkle some extra (unblended) chickpeas on top and devour! We serve this with homemade flatbread. It's such an easy, delicious meal. 

*Tahini is hard to find where we live, so I make my own mock "tahini" in the blender with olive oil and sesame seeds. This is a bit more runny than real tahini, but since I mainly use it for these kind of recipes it doesn't really matter. I've heard that others even substitute the tahini for peanut butter, and I don't see why that wouldn't work! In fact, I usually make hummus after I've made peanut butter- the food processor it quite a hassle to wash up so this way I'll "use twice, wash once". 

Other substitutes: since we've got our own lemon tree, we kind of refuse to buy lemons. So when they're off season we rather find a lemon substitute than to buy off season lemons for a high price. The best lemon substitute I have yet found is whey. I personally wouldn't recommend vinegar. 

This probably is not the most authentic recipe out there. We're not middle eastern, so that probably plays a role too, but I hope this comes at least a bit close to real authentic hummus. 

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