Monday, July 29, 2024

What did we eat past week

Yes, I guess I'm back at blogging. There were a lot of things going on in our lives and I needed a short break. The "short" break turned out to be a bit longer, but I'm happy to be back again! I really enjoy the what did we eat past week-posts, it's like it's making me feel I still do a tiny bit of meal planning... Even if it's in retrospect 😂

In random order, because I don't exactly recall which we ate on what day. 

- Tunisian pasta made with linguine         

- Half of a steamed sheep head (the other half we had a few weeks ago), served with Tunisian shakshuka (an tomato, onion and pepper stew) and homemade bread                

- Roz Djerbi, Tunisian steamed rice, but made with orzo instead to make it more frugal. We ate this with baked chicken wings             

                                                                                  - Leftover shakshuka, with fresh homemade mlawi (layered flatbread), and some fries  (this was actually lunch, but quite a "fancy" one compared to our regular lunches)

 - Loubia (white bean stew) 2x, served with baguette                                                                  

 - Sandwiches with cold cuts, at the children's request 

- Couscous (with enough leftovers to eat this coming week) 

Lunch was usually leftovers or sandwiches, if we did have lunch at all. We also had instant ramen on one day, with a boiled egg and some leftover cooked carrots, again at the children's request. With most meals, I served a tomato/cucumber/onion salad, as that's in season now and it's an easy and delicious way to add more vegetables to one's diet. 

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