Monday, September 2, 2024

Girls tea party

My daughters invited some of their friends, two sisters, the other day. I asked if they wanted to have them over for meal time or just for a snack, and they said they wanted just a tea party kind of gathering. 

The friends they invited come from a poor family - when I say poor, I mean that they don't have a proper kitchen but a makeshift kitchen instead, not a properly functioning front door, can't always afford school supplies etc. So I knew they weren't going to be picky and would be grateful for everything we offered them. My daughters wanted to have muffins- chocolate muffins precisely. I hadn't made them before but I figured it was just regular muffins with some cocoa powder mixed into the batter. I said could make a cake instead, but they insisted on the muffins. I can see why, as muffins just look quite cute compared to boring squares of cake! I found that a bit too minimal, so made them cinnamon rolls, as well as popcorn. We also bought a bottle of soda to have along with their snacks. They all really enjoyed it and had a blast- they ended up making drawings after their snacks were gone, so it was kind of a quiet party 🙂

I think we sometimes make entertaining guests too complicated. Just a few snacks, something nice to drink is usually enough. Yes, I get that in some cases people want a bit more elaborated, but usually most foods will stay untouched and you'll end up with tons of leftovers. You don't always have to organize big feasts, especially if that is keeping you from entertaining guests. It's the gesture that counts - you can have tons of food but without a spirit of hospitality, it doesn't really make sense. And on the other hand, you can have a modest kind of gathering with a spirit of hospitality, too. And that makes so much difference! Despite I didn't make loads of food, there still were so many leftovers! So the guests brought home some cinnamon rolls for their two siblings and their parents. Their mother made us freshly baked bread regularly and I was a bit ashamed when I realized that I never made something in return yet, so I hope the freshly baked cinnamon rolls made up for that! 

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