Thursday, November 18, 2021
What's in my stockpile
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Oat milk recipe
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Frugal food substitutes
Being a frugal cook is all about thinking out of the box. Sure, even without that there are many things you can do to lower your grocery costs. By buying what's on sale that week, eating seasonally, by go shopping only once a week etc.
But still some items are expensive. I have been frugal for as long as I can remember, but when finances were really tight for us, I've became way more frugal and learned to think outside the box when it came to food. Sometimes you crave a certain meal but it has some ingredients that are expensive and your budget simply doesn't allow that item. So what do you do?
Over the years I've learned a lot about frugal food substitutes. Some I've read on blogs, some came from my grandmothers who had been through both the depression era and WW2. I've also learned a lot from my in laws, who are from another country than where I grew up, with a very different standard of living, and where I'm living currently. Even a lot of the richer people here are very frugal for western standards. I think food substitutes are awesome because they'll enable you to still enjoy certain recipes even when the budget is tight, or when certain products simple aren't available.
So, here's some things I think can be great frugal food substitutes!
Fruit and veg
Strawberry- strawberries are available for a limited time where I live. I love making strawberry jam but sometimes I waited too long for the price to decrease a little bit, and gone were the strawberries. Oops! What I did was making watermelon jam instead. Believe it or not but taste wise, it resembles strawberry. It does have a very different flavour than eating watermelon plainly. It was really good.
Apples and pears can be used interchangeably in many baking recipes.
Raisins- quite expensive where I live. Especially when used in baking it can be substituted by dates cut in small pieces. Dates are a lot cheaper here.
Sweet potatoes- unfortunately, I'm yet to find a sweet potato here! I usually just use pumpkin, and when I want to substitute a sweet potato mash, I replace it by half pumpkin/half regular potato.
Zucchini when cooked can be substituted by cucumber. I wouldn't recommend to replace cucumber by zucchini when making a salad, but for pickling it should work.
Most sweet pepper varieties can be used interchangeably. Same for hot pepper varieties. The same applies to some cabbage varieties.
A lot of leafy greens can be used interchangeably. Here, spinach is hard to find and I use swiss chard or arugula instead. Especially when using swiss chard, no one will notice a difference.
Turnips can be used instead of potatoes in some dishes like soup, stew etc.
Parsley and carrots tops have a similar flavour profile.
Semolina and corn meal can be used interchangeably in a lot of baking recipes.
White flour can substitute whole wheat flour and vice versa, though health wise whole wheat would be a lot more beneficial. White flour is not suitable to use instead of self rising flour; you still need to add baking powder to the flour.
Sorghum flour can be used as an substitute for whole wheat flour.
Raw oats can be used as a muesli (raw granola) alternative; because that's exactly what it is ;) (only in muesli there may be some buts, seeds or dried fruits added). Just much cheaper!
Short grain rice is quite a good substitute for risotto or Turkish style rice; I must admit it's not exactly the same, but it's quite a good alternative. Especially in deserts. While our main rice for savoury dishes is Jasmine rice, we buy the cheapest kind of white rice for desserts etc.
Rice can be often substituted by course barley or wheat (also known as bulgur or burgul). This is especially useful for those who want to focus on eating as locally as possible and where rice is an imported product.
Couscous and fine bulgur can be used interchangeably in most recipes, although one must take into consideration that both starches have different ways to prepare.
Of course different pasta shapes can be used interchangeably, although that does change the taste of the dish a bit (at least thats what I think).
Orzo/lesan 3asfour (rice shaped pasta) can substitute rice in certain recipes; it can also replace vermicelli in soups.
Potato starch, corn starch and wheat starch can be used interchangeably in most recipes.
Dairy products
In most cases, margarine is a decent butter alternative, though nothing beats the flavour of real butter! In savoury dishes, I like replacing butter by rendered chicken fat. Oil can replace butter in some baking recipes.
Whipping cream and heavy cream, when used for savoury dishes, can be replaced by evaporated milk, plain milk, or milk mixed with melted butter.
Sour cream can be substituted by yogurt or buttermilk mixed with melted butter.
Milk can be replaced by water in some cases, although the end result may be less rich. You can also make your own oat milk easily, which has a very creamy taste (recipe coming soon hopefully!).
Yogurt can be substituted by soft cheese, and vice versa. Depending on the purpose yogurt can also be replaced by buttermilk (and vice versa).
Egg replacements
Chickpea flour- usually I use the 1:1 or 1:2 ratio to chickpea flour and water.
Bananas replace eggs in certain baking recipes, although that might not be as frugal. Same applies to avocados.
Applesauce is another great egg replacer.
Flax seeds is another great eggs substitute.
Leaving the eggs out altogether- I've done this with pancakes and waffles and they turned out great.
•Will be updated•
Monday, November 15, 2021
Homemade egg free mayonnaise
A lot of what we eat is made from scratch.
This is for various reasons. First of all, as a homemaker I just really enjoy doing all these kitchen DIY activities! Secondly, it saves us loads of money. It's usually also healthier as you can control how many salt, sugar, fats etc you put in your food, without a lot of other chemicals and additives that processed foods usually contain. In most cases it's more environmental friendly as well, as you use your own containers and you don't have all the extra packaging that goes into a landfill. For us, another reason is simply the lack of availability. Living in a country where simply a lot of the "western" stuff isn't available can sometimes be a challenge when it comes to food, so you end up making a lot of things at home. But in the end, I think that's a good thing.
Homemade mayonnaise is one of those things I always have on hand. It's just so easy to make when you use this method-- No endlessly whisking! I think that's the main thing that withholds most people from making mayonnaise from scratch. But then there's also the raw egg issue. There's some controversy on whether or not raw eggs are healthy, but to be on the safe side you can easily make homemade mayo with no eggs. Of course, there is also the issue of dietary restrictions and allergies, so no one has to miss out on this delicious condiment. Probably the best thing of all is that no one will even notice that it's eggless!
Though there are many egg alternatives out there, like flax seeds and even bananas, the secret ingredient here is chickpea brine, also known as aquafaba. Since we eat a lot of chickpeas anyway, I just save the brine for making mayonnaise and freeze it. So this ingredient is basically free.
For one batch, you'll need:
One cup of oil of your choice- any oil is fine, except for coconut oil (250 milliliters)
About 1/4 (60 milliliters) to 1/3 cup (80 milliliters) of aquafaba (this depends on the thickness, and using canned vs home cooked chickpeas can also make a difference)
1/4 teaspoon of salt, a tablespoon of honey or any other sweetener, a tablespoon of vinegar, a teaspoon of mustard.
Put aquafaba in a narrow shaped mug (but still wide enough for an immersion blender to fit in). Then put the salt, mustard, vinegar and honey in the mug and finally the oil of your choice. Starting at the bottom, start to blend. Blend for a few seconds before slightly lifting your blender. Blend for another few seconds again before lifting your blender, untill all of the oil is mixed in and has thickened. Now, refrigerate for a few hours; if the mayonnaise is still on the runny side, usually after refrigerating for a few hours makes the mayo thicker. If you happened to have a runnier batch that won't thicken upthere's still a lot of ways how to use that, but I'll try to elaborate on that in another post. My mayonnaise is always perfect when using this method, though I've heard some people saying that theirs is a bit runny. Possibly it's a matter of trial and error as to how much aquafaba to use.
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Making the most of citrus fruits
Saturday, November 13, 2021
Easy no knead cinnamon roll recipe
I started baking my own bread years ago when we first got married. I just love baking bread and it's something I enjoy so much. To me it's very relaxing. I think baking bread is one of the essentials in living a more simple and frugal life.
And I don't know about you, but I love cinnamon rolls. I, however, always found it such a hassle to start very early so we could enjoy this at breakfast time. I tried a fridge rise several times, so I could prep the rolls the night before. While it was worth trying, it wasn't our preference, as it changed the taste a bit.
So, that was my struggle with cinnamon rolls 🙃 That is, until I discovered the 'miracle bread' recipe by Gina from Home Joys! ( the original recipe is for a regular loaf, I really wanted to try if this works for cinnamon rolls. And it really does! We now actually prefer these rolls over the kneaded and more richer rolls I used to make. Literally everyone who tasted these rolls have asked a recipe.
This dough still has to rise, so it isn't necessarily a very very quick bread recipe (although I do have a quick bread cinnamon rolls recipe-- please check my blog as I'll try to post that recipe soon!). But, you'll save a bit time as you skip the kneading part (maybe it's just inside my head as for the time consuming part! But I've found that with this recipe, our family enjoys a warm cinnamon roll more often than before I discovered this recipe).
Anyway, this is how I make them.
For the dough:
6 cups of white flour (750 grams)
1,5 cups of water (375 milliliter)
2 tablespoons dry yeast
2 tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons of salt
3 tablespoons of oil
For the cinnamon filling:
2 tablespoons of cinnamon
1/2 cup to 2/3 cup of sugar (100 to 132 grams)
2/3 cup of butter or margarine
For the icing:
Powdered sugar and water
Warm the water until very warm, not hot. Mix the flour, sugar, salt and yeast. Add the oil and water. If dough is too sticky add some more flour; if dough is too dry add some water. Mix the dough until it's an uniform dough but don't knead it. Grease a bowl with some oil, cover and let it rest 30 to 90 minutes (depending on the house's inside temperature). Meanwhile prepare the cinnamon filling by mixing the sugar and cinnamon. Then in a bigger bowl, cream the butter and slowly add the sugar mixture, one tablespoon at a time to make mixing easier.
Once the filling is ready and the dough has risen, take it out, press the air out and put it on a slightly oiled surface. Take your rolling pin and roll the dough out in the desired measure. (I'm sorry, I'm very bad at measurements, especially in inches!). Devide the cinnamon filling over the dough, make sure that the edges aren't covered by the cinnamon filling.
Now carefully roll the dough and cut the dough in 12-13 even pieces. Grease a baking pan (you can either use a round or square pan) and put the rolls in the pan. Cover the rolls and preheat your oven at 200° C/329°F. Once the rolls have doubled in size put them in the oven and bake for half an hour.
We prefer the rolls without icing, but if you'd like you can easily make an icing using powdered sugar and a few drops of water.
Keeping yourself warm
So, basically where we live it's getting cold! Many Europeans, when they think of Africa, they think of tropical places and all that. And while there may be some African countries where the climate is like that, there are much more countries that have 4 seasons. So here we are, and winter has started. Maybe not officially yet, but its getting colder here! Living in a country where the average person has not a very high income, you'll learn to be creative with the resources you have. Contrary to what I was used too, many locals consider heating your home as a luxury. Say what?! Don't you NEED to heat your home?! Well, if you live in a very cold climate, I'd defenitely agree with that statement-- here however, it doesn't get THAT cold. It usually doesn't freeze here, and if it's cold its usually a few degrees above the freezing point. So you technically don't have to warm your house. So yeah, heaters are a luxury. And I've adjusted to that point of view. It's not that we don't use heaters at all, but we try to be careful with using heaters too much, both for environmental reasons as well as financial reasons.
As I said its getting colder, but we still haven't turned on our heater. We certainly will when its getting colder! Though we acknowledge that heating is a luxury, we certainly love the convenience. But for now, we've taken certain measures to still be comfortable without a heater.
Here are some things we do.
Wearing sweaters and slippers. This is an obvious one but apparently not for everyone so I decided to start with this one! From my own experience, cold feet cool your entire body. And the opposite is also true; with warm feet you'll likely not getting chilly quickly. So warm slippers it is, and of course warm sweaters. I love wearing jumpers that my late grandmother knitted for me! Needless to say we also wear multiple layers of clothing.
Drinking warm drinks. I am not into coffee, but I love tea and herbal infusions, some of which I forage such as olive leaves. I can appreciate a lovely hot chocolate too but try not to indulge in that too often!
Switch to winter-y kind of meals. During the colder seasons our eating change a bit as we're eating more warming stews, soups and occasionally casseroles. We also like to eat all kinds of hot porridges for breakfast.
Another obvious but we try to stay very warm at night, with pajamas and thick blankets. Even once you've woken up you will stay warm for a long period of time.
Being active during the day. Try to involve in activities that keep you warm. Cleaning (I like sweeping the floors with a broom- zero electricity used so very frugal/environmentally friendly plus a free workout), kneading dough, baking bread on my gas stovetop. There's so many more things but these were just some examples of how even indoor activities can keep you warm. As for outdoor activities, I like taking a walk and then being amazed by how warm my house actually is when I return!
So, these are some things we do to stay warm before turning on the heater.
Friday, November 12, 2021
Tightwad tip- eat more cabbage
We're big on eating mainly seasonal produce. It just makes sense: it's healthier, cheaper and has less of an environmental impact. H...
This post is probably going to be a bit long, and perhaps triggering to some people. Just saying. Lately, food shortages, food insecurity a...
So I'm trying to do this "what we ate past week" every Monday from now on. Meal planning beforehand clearly doesn't work f...